Create Your Facebook Custom Audience With Your FB Pixel.


Picture this.

One day, you visited Lazada website looking for sneakers. You could not made up your mind so, you told yourself that you will do another search on another day.

Then, you logged in to your Facebook as you want to be updated what's happening in your network.

As you scroll down your newsfeed, Lazada Facebook ad appears showing a range of sneakers.

You are wondering. " Wait a minute. I just visited Lazada website earlier. Now they are showing me a range of sneakers. How would they know ? "

Allow me to share with you how they do that with Custom Audience Set.

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In this blog post, I will share with you on how to re-target your website visitors with a custom audience set. 

First, you need to install FB Pixel code onto your website. How to do that ? You can follow my guide over here.

Once you have follow the guide and installed the FB Pixel code, let's create your custom audience set. 

Go to your Ads Manager and select Audiences option.

Creating Facebook Ads for business in Singapore

It will brings you to the audience page. 

Select Custom Audience from the drop down menu. 

Paid Facebook Advertising Guide Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Brunei

Once you have selected, a pop up menu will appear with 5 options. 

I want you to select Website Traffic

How to make Facebook Custom Audience for ads in Southeast Asia

In this blog post, I am going to show you how to create a custom audience set using your website as a source. 

I will create another blog post about creating custom audience set using Engagement option. That is also another powerful source. 

Once you have selected Website Traffic, another pop up menu will appear.

How to retarget website visitors using Facebook ads singapore.

As shown in the image above, let go through each options. 

1. Select ANY as your criteria.

2. Select " People who visited specific web pages ". I am showing you this option because I have a couple of websites. In this case, I am creating a custom audience for my wedding business. 

3. Select 120 days. What does this mean ?
- This is very critical. To keep things simple for you to understand, how long you would want to be selling to this audience ?
- Alternatively, you should be looking at your past data, how long does it take you to convert one buyer ?
- If you do not where to begin, if you are selling products, you should be using 90 -120 days. If you are selling services, I would suggest to use 120 - 180 days. These ranges should give ample time for your audience to make a decision. 

4. Key in your website address. 

5. Name your audience. You can name in this manner, " Website Visitors - For Past 120 days "

All you need to do is to click on that blue button Create Audience. So now, Facebook will populate the number of people who have visited your website. 

There you have it. Your custom audience.

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Custom Audience Set ?

1. Now you have an audience who are aware of your business / services / offers. Tendency, this audience has a lower resistance if you are selling. This can yield lower cost per clicks.

2. There is this possibility at that point of time when they visited your website, they could not have made their mind OR they were distracted to make a certain action you desire.
By having running a Facebook ad re-targeting your custom audience, you are helping and encouraging your audience to continue where they left off. 

3. With custom audience set, you are able to allocated a lower advertising budget. 


If you have any questions, you can always drop me your questions below.