Bear with me here. I just want to pen my thoughts and understanding about Facebook algorithm that is affecting yours and my organic reach on Facebook for our posts.
#1 - You keep sending out request new friends to people you barely know.
- You are doing this because you want to increase your “network”.
- You are hoping that every time you post your offer on your personal profile, they can get to see it. The more friends you have, the bigger the exposure.
WRONG !!!!
If you are doing this, I would say please STOP. You are just wasting your time.
Let me break it down to you OR you can read it here -
There will be a potential of 1500+ stories that we can be exposed to. This includes from our friends, family and FB Ads.
But how many stories can we consume in our single Facebook single session?
Can we consume all 1500 stories in 20 minutes?
That’s why our Facebook News Feed displays an average of 300 stories and that includes your friends’ posts.
So think about it, you have 5000 friends but you simply cannot see all 5000 posts from your friends just because of the Facebook algorithm mentioned above.
We want more people to see our offer so that we can make more sales, isn’t it?
But with the declining organic reach and changes to the Facebook news feed, I always encourage to start investing in paid FB Ads. If you want to know how you can push an approximate 20 000 people to your offer with $5.00 a day, read the blog post here.
I believe in your friends network, you are bound to have House Agents Friends. I can bet with you that almost 70% of their posts are content about House On Sale or houses they are promoting. Sooner or later, they will not appear in your news feed.
Why? Because of these below
The News Feed algorithm responds to signals from you, including, for example:
How often you interact with the friend, Page, or public figure (like an actor or journalist) who posted
The number of likes, shares and comments a post receives from the world at large and from your friends in particular
How much you have interacted with this type of post in the past
Whether or not you and other people across Facebook are hiding or reporting a given post
You can read more here -
That should explain why you are not seeing posts from certain friends.
If you want to understand more about News Feed algorithm, check out this presentation slides made by Matt Navara. I personally love it.
With all these limiting organic reach, don’t you think you should be investing in FB Ads?
Let’s keep things simple.
Online marketing or Digital Marketing or Social Media Marketing, in its simplest form and formula, you need TRAFFIC + OFFER = RESULTS.
You have an OFFER. All you need is a substantial volume of TRAFFIC and FB Ads can help you to get that volume. And you should be able to see the RESULTS. Based on that results, it should spur you to take further actions.
That’s it from me. For now.
Should you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
** Please note that I am not representing Facebook. I do not work for Facebook.
** It is just that I have great interests in learning and understanding more about Facebook and its advertising options. By doing so, it helps my business to grow online. Whatever I shared in this post are purely based on my own interpretations and understanding.