Can $5.00 a day for my Facebook ad works ?

$5.00 a day for my FB ads - Singapore


$5.00 a day budget for your FB ads can work for you. For those who have been investing in FB ads regularly, you know that there is a minimum budget set for your business. Like mine, it is $5.17. That's the minimum amount I have to invest per day.

For beginners, count on your lucky starts, your first few Facebook campaigns, you can start making your FB ads for just $1.00 a day. 


The very first step, that I always share with other business owners is to understand your BUYER's JOURNEY. Very important.

There are basically 3 stages in a BUYER's JOURNEY. (refer to the picture below)

Understand your buyers' journey - Singapore

With FB ads, you can reach out to more audience. By now, you should also know that your FaceBook page has limited audience reach. We are are talking about 2-6% of your FB page likes

With FB ads at $5.00 a day, I guarantee you are reaching out to more than just 6% of your FB page likes. 

For you to achieve the RESULTS at the end of your BUYER'S JOURNEY, they must go through the 3 stages of AWARE - CONSIDERING - DECIDED. For more details about this, you can actually Google about it. I am trying to keep things simple here. 

With FB ads and $5.00 a day, it should look something like this. (photo below is for illustrations purpose only.)

Sales Funnel


In order to ensure your $5.00 to work hard for you, your offer has to be SPECIFIC. You got to address buyer's needs, wants and their pain. You got to show how you can solve their problems and fulfill their needs. 

Be specific with your message or offer. 

Next, you have to reach out to TARGETED audience. We are talking about demographics. If you have a perfect customer, a real life customer, use them as your customer profile. If you don't, you can make it up. 

Create a customer profile with these details :
- Gender
- Age
- Location
- Their interests
- Language
- Relationship status

As for my business, Orangefill, my customer profile is

- Female
- Age between 22 - 29 years old
- Residing in Singapore
- Online Shopping, Weddings and Marriage
- English (ALL)
- Single, Engaged, In A Relationship, Open Relationship

When you are being SPECIFIC and TARGETED, you are maximizing the very opportunity where your FB ads will meet with people that will highly take action. Not only that, you are also optimizing your budget of $5.00 a day. 


There is only one thing for you to focus. Higher penetration into the Facebook audience size. 

The more people your FB ads can be served to, the higher potential of you generating leads and sales.

The photo captured above shows how many Facebook users in Singapore based on my customer profile settings access Facebook via mobile.59% access Facebook via mobile compared to 4% access Facebook via Desktop.

The photo captured above shows how many Facebook users in Singapore based on my customer profile settings access Facebook via mobile.

59% access Facebook via mobile compared to 4% access Facebook via Desktop.


In this FB ad I created for my client, I included 3 ways on how audience can get in touch. FB message, Email and Calling.

In this FB ad I created for my client, I included 3 ways on how audience can get in touch. FB message, Email and Calling.

** Sorry that my copywriting is in Malay language. Direct translation, " Want to know about our wedding video services, visit "

** Sorry that my copywriting is in Malay language. Direct translation, " Want to know about our wedding video services, visit "

Having a CLEAR CALL TO ACTION at the end of your offering, your audience will not be left hanging. 

If you want your audience to take action, you must tell them what to do. 


To further maximize your $5.00 a day budget, I would recommend you to schedule your FB ads timings. 

You can check out "Best Timing To Post On Facebook" as a reference. So far, this schedule works best for me. 

  • Wednesday - Sunday
  • 1000 hrs - 0000 hrs
  • 21 days duration

You are only able to schedule your FB ads timings after you change your daily budget to lifetime budget.

Facebook change from daily budget to lifetime budget singapore

Only then, you are able to schedule your FB ads timings. 

FB ads timing


Apply these 4 pointers and you are good to go!

I sincerely hope this blog post will help you in any way it can. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. 

How to make Facebook ads - Singapore

If you would like to get in touch with me, fill up the form below. 


You might be interested in Elton's success story with FB Ads.